
EYFS Curriculum

Spring 2 2024
The children in Reception have loved learning about what a seed needs to grow this half term.  They have used the story 'The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle and looked at why some of the seeds did not grow.  They have also written their own ‘Seed Survival Guides’  to help any new seeds know what they should and shouldn’t do to help them grow successfully into plants.  The children have planted their own sunflower seeds and we have been getting updated on how some of these are growing.  In maths we have explored number bonds to ten and doubles and the children are starting to recall some of these number facts automatically.  They have also explored the properties of 3D shapes including what 2D shapes their faces are and which shapes are good for making towers with .  With the lead up to Easter the children have been learning, through RE, all the important parts that lead up to Easter day including Lent and Shrove Tuesday, Palm Sunday and the Easter weekend itself.  They even had a go at making some Easter gardens in the Forest.
What are we learning about this half term?