
EYFS Curriculum

Summer 2 2024
The last term in Reception is always a busy one filled with lots of activities.  Reception have fully immersed themselves in their topic ‘Marvellous Me’ and used the book ‘Izzy Gizmo’ to inspire much of their learning.  They have thought about what they are good at and all the skills they have develop, especially since being in Reception.  The children have shown how much they have progressed by having a really successful move up day.  This gave them the chance to impress their new teachers with how clever they all are.  

The children enjoyed practicing the skills of the artist John Constable.  We went outside and completed some observational paintings using large paper and paint.

The children also have had a busy activities week where they held their sports day, had forest fun and lots of active activities.

We have all been blown away with the progress all the children have made and know they will continue to do well as they move on into year one.



What are we learning about this half term?