
KS1 and KS2 Curriculum statement

Curriculum Statement 

At Forest Academy we emphasise the importance of ‘Learning for Life’.


We have 5 clear aims which are inextricably intertwined with Physical and Mental Wellbeing and Building Learning Power. We want our children to be:

  • Ready to learn: Children have a positive, confident attitude to learning.  They are both physically and emotionally ready to learn.

  • Resourceful: Children show initiative, ask well thought out questions and are prepared to use a variety of strategies to learn.

  • Reflective: Children are curious, able and willing to learn from their mistakes and can describe their progress

  • Resilient: Children are prepared to persevere and stay involved in their learning, even when the process is challenging.

  • Reciprocal: Children are prepared to help each other and work as a team.

At Forest Academy, our primary focus is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that fosters the development of skills, knowledge, and understanding. We aim to ensure academic success and promote physical and mental well being amongst our children. We follow the National Curriculum in England, and a thematic topic approach is used to teach many of the foundation subjects, allowing for comprehensive coverage and progression throughout the school.


To achieve our intent, we have implemented various strategies and practices. Firstly, our teachers work collaboratively in age phases to plan sequential lessons that effectively engage the children. Our curriculum design is enhanced through immersion days and other enrichment activities, further enhancing the learning experiences of the children making it more memorable and meaningful.

Strong subject leadership is pivotal in our implementation. All staff take responsibility for an area of subject leadership, ensuring expertise and accountability throughout the school. Less experienced staff shadow their more experienced colleagues to facilitate their professional development. Additionally, staff members are encouraged to attend appropriate Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions, while experienced staff regularly provide INSET sessions for teachers and Teaching Assistants.

Subject leaders play an essential role in monitoring lessons, offering advice, support, and guidance to further enhance the quality of teaching and learning. They drop in on lessons, review the children’s' work in books, and engage in conversations with the children to gain a deeper understanding of their learning experiences. Moreover, we regularly gather feedback from the children, enabling us to make necessary improvements and adjustments.

We also prioritise meeting the diverse needs of our students. Our curriculum design supports the Equalities Act 2010 and the Special Education Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 

The spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of our pupils, along with their understanding of the core values of our society, are woven through the curriculum. We aim to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment that prepares our students for the next stage in their education.


The impact of our teaching and curriculum will be measured by assessing the progress of each child from their individual starting points. Our goal is to ensure that our children are well-prepared for the next stage in their education. We believe that, by providing the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding, our students will be successful academically and socially.

Upon leaving Forest Academy, our children will demonstrate:

- A strong academic foundation across the curriculum
- Effective problem-solving and critical thinking skills
- Positive mental and physical wellbeing
- Confidence and resilience to face challenges
- Good social skills and an understanding of societal values
- Appreciation for spiritual, moral, social, and cultural aspects of life
- Self-awareness and the ability to work collaboratively with others

By focusing on the intent of a broad and balanced curriculum, combined with our implementation strategies and continuous assessment of impact, we strive to provide our children with the necessary tools for success in their educational journey and beyond.