
UKS2 Curriculum

UKS2 – Summer 1

The start of summer term has certainly been a busy one for Upper Key Stage Two. We enjoyed a fantastic day at Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse. The children learnt about life in the workhouse; the school system and Victorian farming. The favourite activity was definitely the rock picking, the children had to pick up all the rocks to clear the field for the plough.

The Victorians has been a very popular topic this half term, we particularly enjoyed learning about dangerous factory work and the amazing art of William Morris. The year six children enjoyed creating their own William Morris designs and creating repeating patterns using block printing. While researching Victorian schools we thought about what we liked and disliked about them. Many children wanted to bring back individual desks but did not think dunce hats should be part of school life.

The year six children had a brilliant SATs week, we had a sports afternoon, enjoyed making rocky roads and showed great team spirit during a game of bowling at Mr G’s. We were all incredibly proud of the effort and dedication the children showed during the test.

We are looking forward to our final term together. Year six have their hoodies presentation and final school trip, we are also very excited to learn even more about the Victorians.



What are we learning about this half term?
Cycle B
Cycle A